EXAMPLE: At the office party last night several employees got a little tight and started singing. 在昨晚的公司聚会上,几个员工有点醉了,开始唱起歌来。
Good office behavior encourages positive interaction between employees and employers, business partners and clients, and among co-workers. 职场中,举止得体会增进员工与老板、生意伙伴以及客户之间的良性互动,对于同事之间亦是如此。
In an official public forecast discussion, the Anchorage National Weather Service office whose employees are working without knowledge of when they will be paid during the ongoing Federal shutdown-encoded this secret message: Please pay us. 在一次官方的公共天气预报讨论中,正在因为政府关闭而无偿工作的安克雷奇国家气象局工作人员发布了一串被编码的信息,要求政府请发工资。
When it comes to the roles of the office, managers talk and employees listen. 每当谈论办公室地位的时候,总是经理侃侃而谈,而员工只能竖起耳朵听。
Bell was in attendance at the event held every year for Executive Office employees and their families with her mother, an executive branch employee who did not want to be identified. 贝尔当天参加的活动,是白宫为行政办公室员工及其家人举办的亲子活动,每年一次。贝尔的妈妈是行政部门员工,她也出席了这一活动,但她不愿意吐露姓名。
A: It should apply to all communications, not only in this office between employees, but also any outside communications. A:所有的通信都应该包括在内,不仅是办公室的员工之间,还包括所有对外联系。
They have been released by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy ( CSP) after a survey released last week revealed four out of 10 office employees walk for less than 30 minutes a day. 这些动作由英国皇家理疗师协会发布,此前有一项调查显示,每十个白领中,有四人每天步行的时间不到30分钟。
They recruited 49 office employees, just over half of whom spent the day in mostly windowless environments, while the rest enjoyed frequent exposure to daylight through windows. 他们聘用了49个办公室人员,刚好过半的人呆在大部分没有窗户的环境,然而其他人经常接触到透过窗户的阳光。
Analyses into the reasons why plants are beneficial suggests that a green office increases employees 'work engagement by making them more physically, cognitively, and emotionally involved in their work. 对为何植物是有益的原因的分析表明绿色办公室环境通过使员工更有活力地,更有认知力地,更有情感地进行工作来提高他们的工作投入。
No kidding. Chad's company also has a gym in their office building to encourage all employees to keep fit. 没错,查德任职的公司在办公楼里还有个体育馆,鼓励员工锻炼身体保持健康。
The office started with 30 employees and now has 140. 这家公司的设计部门最开始只有30名员工,现在员工数已经达到了140。
I left a six-figure, ex-pat, management position with daily per-diem, paid for apartment, an entire office, and several employees I was in charge of. 我放弃了工资达六位数的外派管理工作。当时我不仅有每天的日常生活补助、公费公寓、一间大办公室,还有几名下属可供差遣。
All the office employees secretaries, cashiers, salesmen were invited. 全部办公室雇员--秘书、出纳员、推销员--都被邀请了。
As soon as Mr Feng opens his office door, several employees waiting outside grab their chance to talk to him. 冯军一打开办公室的门,等候在外边的几位员工立刻抓住机会和他说话。
A creative boss might spend a small amount of money, and treat everyone to dinner at the office to encourage employees to stay late. 有创造性的老板可能会花一小笔钱请所有人在办公室吃完饭以鼓励员工晚些走。
A rival agency, Hamptons International, opened an office in Hong Kong with four employees about two months ago. 一家同类的机构-汉普顿国际,也在两个月前在香港开了分部并雇用了四名职员。
Because you must usually keep office relationships a secret, other employees may flirt with your partner or vice-versa. 因为通常你必须要隐瞒办公室恋情,而其他员工可能会与你的伴侣打情骂俏,或是相反的情况。
Managers at our central office report that their employees tend to be most productive in the days immediately preceding a vacation. 在我们的主要办公室的管理人们报告,他们的员工在一个假期之前的一天生产力最高。
Improve the conditions of workers, office employees and teachers, and of soldiers fighting against the japanese. 改良工人、职员、教员和抗日军人的待遇。
Today, head office employees can reset their passwords at any time of the day and need not queue for up to three minutes on the phone: their calls are answered straightaway. 如今,总公司的员工可以在一天中的任何时候重置密码,而无需在电话上排队等候3分钟之久:他们的电话能立刻得到答复。
Because the prospect of moving out of the more prestigious surroundings of central is ruffling feathers, most bankers predict that back-office employees will be the first to be asked to relocate. 因为搬离声望更高的中环会激起波澜,多数银行家预计,后勤员工将会首先收到搬迁要求。
If the boss is in the office there is pressure for junior employees to stay. 如果老板在办公室,下级员工就会有留下来的压力。
Office employees and other personnel who work days. 白昼侧白天工作的政府从业人员或其他人员。
A line of police stood outside the post office as employees were evacuated. 邮局工作人员撤走时一排警察就站在外面。
Immediately on arrival at the office, all employees have to book in. 所有雇员一到办公室必须签到。
Taking a company as an example, only recognition code and recognition function of hierarchical code for filiale, office, department and employees was defined etc. The table of hierarchical code database was designed. 并以一Company总公司为例,定义了分公司、办事处、部门、员工等的唯一标识代码和识别层次代码的过程函数,设计了层次代码的数据库表。
The Study and Improvement on the Salary Incentive Mechanism of the Post Office's Employees in TongRen Region 铜仁地区邮政局员工薪酬激励改进研究
Different office term employees in self-efficacy and toughness are significantly different. 不同任职年限的员工在自我效能和韧性两个维度上有显著差异。
In addition, age, education, job and office term employees with different attributes of job satisfaction and organizational commitment were significant differences. 另外,在年龄、学历、职位和任职年限等具有不同属性的员工对工作满意度及组织承诺具有显著性差异。